
Transparent society

Chart of attachment n. 1 D.Lgs. 2013/03/14 n. 33

“Reorganization of rules and regulations about publicity, transparency and information provided by Public Administration”.

Main disposition
  • Degrees and CVs

Controlled companies
Activities and procedures
  • Activities and procedures

    Up today PTS can’t issue administrative provisions at the end of ex L.241/1990 procedures, except for public ones ex art.37 D.Lgs. 33/2013 (Transparency Law)
  • Procedure ending time monitoring

Bandi di gara e contratti
  • Updates of call for bidders and contract could be found on notice of competion and call for bidders website section
  • Public tenders

    Data are filed in xml open source format, as established by Anti corruption organization, and can be seen using Excel or equivalent software

    Details based on year:

Goods, properties and building management
  • properties

    Porto di Trieste Servizi S.r.l. has no properties

  • Renting

  • There hasn’t been established a board of control due to the small proportion of PTS
Society balance control
  • Controller statement

    Up today there is no remarks
  • Political, administrative, executive and governance role remarks

  • Court of Auditors remarks

Public operas
  • Programmation

    Up today PTS makes no public operas
Landing plan and governance
  • Landing plan and governance

    PTS has no plan and governance of land
Informazioni ambientali
  • Other contents – Anti-corruption

Extraordinary and emergengency maintenance
  • PTS has no rights to amend provisions established in art.42 D.Lgs. 33/2013