Three-year plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption
No sanctions. Update 2019/04/242019 update of plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption 2018-2020
Public hearing for 2019 update of plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption
Public hearing for 2019 update of plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption
2018 Final relation
Public hearing for Anti-Corruption plan
Three-year plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption 2017-2019
2017 Final relationBoard of control for Anti- corruption
Not eligible, as established by art.2, D.Lgs. 150/2009Main Documents
Unenforceable by lawDeed of incorporation
2016 – AdSP – PTS –maintenance agreement
2016 – AdSP – PTS- general agreement
2016 – AdSP – PTS – service maintenance agreement
Port Workers National Contract 2016-2018
UNI EN ISO 9001 91327-2011-AQ-ITA-SINCERT-en-US
CE 303-2008
Chamber of commerce company registration
Ethical Code
Information obligation to citizens and companies
Zero burocracy
Sanctions for incomplete or not-provided given information
Letter of engagement for political, administrative, executive and governance role
Letter of engagement for political, administrative, executive and governance role as established by art.14, co.1-bis, dlgs.33/2013, if due to payment
Act of election
Letter of engagement for political, administrative, executive and governance role as established by art.14, co.1-bis, dlgs.33/2013, if due to payment terminated contractSole admistrator
Act of election, duration, fee
Individual income tax return 2015
Individual income tax return 2016
Individual income tax return 2017
Individual income tax return 2018
Goods and properties statement 2014
Goods and properties statement 2015
Goods and properties statement 2016Council final balance and costs
Degrees and CVs
Employee lists
Personale in servizio
Costo personaleAbsence rate
2017 Tassi assenza del personale distinti per uffici di livello dirigenziale
2018 Tassi assenza del personale distinti per uffici di livello dirigenziale
2019 Tassi assenza del personale distinti per uffici di livello dirigenzialeLetters of engagement (employees and managers)
Group contract
Unenforceable by lawIntegrated contract
Board of control for Anti- corruption
Notice of competition-
Notice of competition website section
Controlled companies-
Public controlled companies
Unenforceable by law -
Public controlled companies
Companies under public control
Graphic chart
Not eligible for the absence of controlled/subsidiary companies
Activities and procedures-
Activities and procedures
Up today PTS can’t issue administrative provisions at the end of ex L.241/1990 procedures, except for public ones ex art.37 D.Lgs. 33/2013 (Transparency Law) -
Procedure ending time monitoring
Bandi di gara e contratti-
Updates of call for bidders and contract could be found on notice of competion and call for bidders website section
Public tenders
Data are filed in xml open source format, as established by Anti corruption organization, and can be seen using Excel or equivalent softwareBalance-
Budget plan and final balance
Up today there is no remarkPlease check the references on Port Authority website
Goods, properties and building management-
Porto di Trieste Servizi S.r.l. has no properties
There hasn’t been established a board of control due to the small proportion of PTSSociety balance control-
Controller statement
Up today there is no remarks -
Court of Auditors remarks
Board of control for Anti-Corruption relation over Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity of Internal Control
Services Act and Quality standards
Carta dei servizi e standard di qualità
Class action
Balanced costs
Payment speed-
Bank Transfer code
Public operas-
Up today PTS makes no public operas
Landing plan and governance-
Landing plan and governance
PTS has no plan and governance of land
Informazioni ambientali-
Other contents – Anti-corruption
Extraordinary and emergengency maintenance-
PTS has no rights to amend provisions established in art.42 D.Lgs. 33/2013
Other contents-
2019 update of plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption 2018-2020
Public hearing for 2019 update of plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption
Three-year plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption 2018-2020
Board of control for Anti-Corruption relation over Evaluation
Transparency and Integrity of Internal Control
Three-year plan for Transparency and Anti-Corruption 2017-2019