Porto di Trieste Servizi S.r.l. is an “in house providing” company of Port Authority of Eastern Adriatic Sea – Port of Trieste (also known as AdSP M.A.O. – Porto di Trieste). It is a branch of the Port Authority System for all port services directly and exclusively commissioned by the Port Authority, expect for the services directed to third parties, as set by law. Its main goals are efficiency, security, better function of public areas of the Port of Trieste, maintenance and governance of fixed assets of the Port Authority.
PTS’ Business management applies to Conformity Essential 303/2008 and Quality System UNi EN ISO 9001 91327-2011-AQ-ITA-SINCERT-en-US
For Quality Policy please check this link: Quality Policy
Porto di Trieste Servizi S.r.l.
Società “in house providing” dell’Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale – Porto di Trieste
Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA: 01159270329
cap. sociale € 500.000,00 i.v. | R.E.A. TS-0129117
iscrizione alla camera di commercio di Trieste in data 27/02/2009